Curriculum at Glyne Gap School

We believe it is our moral purpose to enable pupils to live happy, purposeful and fulfilled lives both now and in the future.

We believe that such a life is what we want for each other, what all parents want for their child and is a right of all. A learning disability should not be a barrier to this life.

Our pupils’ learning is THE guiding principle at Glyne Gap. This belief runs through everything we do.

How does this impact on our curriculum?

Our curriculum focus is on the areas of learning that are going to bring happiness, purpose and fulfilment to our pupils

Our curriculum intent is that all pupils have opportunities and develop skills to:

  • be as independent as they can be
  • understand and be understood to support their choice and autonomy
  • develop and enjoy purposeful play and leisure activities
  • make a contribution to their families, communities and society, including work where appropriate
  • have and maintain positive relationships and friendships
  • build aspiration, self-confidence and resilience

In addition, our curriculum gives pupils the opportunities to experience, be involved and enjoy the activities and milestones of childhood and school life.

Our curriculum acknowledges a child's parents/carers as the first, longest and most important educator. In addition, we know that the most effective learning takes place when school and home work together.

For this reason, we commit to working in partnership with families and finding a partnership model that works for each family to ensure their child’s learning. Further details of our approach to working with families can be found in CG3 - Working with families.

Overview of Curriculum at Glyne Gap School

Click here for a larger version of the Overview of Curriculum at Glyne Gap School

Click here to see the CG1 Curriculum

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