Graphical versionGlyne Gap SchoolToggle navigation School Life Physio/Occupational Therapy and In-School Clinics All O.T. and Physio therapies are provided by East Sussex Children’s Integrated Therapy and Equipment Service (C.I.T.E.S.).  CITES provide an integrated therapy service for children and young people from birth to school-leaving age (16 or 19 years old) who have physical, occupational or speech and language difficulties. They are an integrated team comprising:

More information on CITES can be found at

Clinics at school

At Glyne Gap we work closely with other professionals and parents/Carers in order to have a joined up approach to the overall well-being of pupils.  We have a series of regular clinics that are held in school with a multi-disciplinary team, parents and pupils. As many of our pupils have a number of appointments to attend the absence time from school is reduced by having some clinics held on site. The list of in-school clinics and the frequency with which they occur is listed below, along with the professionals involved. The on-site clinics also mean that if a member of a pupil's class team can also be present if necessary.

Combined Paediatric Clinic - 2 times/year (paediatric consultant, physiotherapist, paediatric children's nurse)

Nutrition Clinic - 6 times/year (paediatric dietician, paediatric children's nurse, master practitioner)

For all telephone enquiries please contact Glyne Gap School on 01424 217720

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